13th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 1999, Trondheim (Noruega). 28 junio - 02 julio 1999
This paper presents a comprehensive computer tool for identification of excitation and speed-governing systems for power system stability studies. Model parameters are determined from system time response using a powerful nonlinear estimation algorithm. The package also includes programs to define models easily, to validate the identified models and even to retune the corresponding regulators to improve the system response. This tool has been validated while identifying a number of excitation and speed-governing systems of large hydro generators of Iberdrola.
Palabras clave: excitation systems, speed-governing systems, power system stability, parameter estimation.
Fecha de publicación: 1999-06-28.
L. Rouco, J. Zamora, A. Zazo, M.A. Sanz-Bobi, F.L. Pagola, A Comprehensive Tool for Identification of Excitation and Speed-governing Systems for Power System Stability Studies, 13th Power Systems Computation Conference - PSCC 1999, Trondheim (Noruega). 28 junio - 02 julio 1999.